22 January 2013

Taking a Break

Hi there, everyone!

So, 2013 has started and most of us have probably made our resolutions. I have once again promised to engage in some kind of physical activity, lose weight, go back to my yoga and spiritual practices... We plan so many things that we hardly ever have the soul to keep up with everything.

Something that is extremely important - and that we never include in our daily agendas - is TAKING A BREAK.

Breaks are as important as any other appointment, not only because they allow us to unwind but also because our minds need time to let stuff sink in. Yeah, I know, everyday life demands a lot from us; we're always in a hurry. But this may drive us mad if we don't stop and breathe once in while (believe me, I know what I'm talking about).

It so happens that I came across a great chart on things that may help us relax. Most are simple and easy to put into practice; I thought I could share it with you guys. Here it goes:

So, which ones do you like most? Do you think you could try some of them and share your experiences here?

Hope they help.

Have a great new year!!!
