13 February 2011

The Lion

This poem is a contribution from Sônia Sabino. Though it seems so simple, it's deep in content and analysis. We'd like to share it with you.

The Lion
The lion
King of the cats
A magnificent beast
Meant to be roaming free
Climbing trees
Not locked up in a cage
Forced to pace back and forth
Back and forth
People throwing things at it
This is not how the king of the cats should be
And yet he is
He's in a cage

Another lion
A female
Is brought to stay with him
He is happy and proud
But they shrink the cage
Giving two lions less space than before
It's just not fair

Kristina Landen

Besides the beauty of its words, this poem invites us to reflect upon the current situation of some most of the wild animals in our planet. Many are exhibited in zoos - some of them may even be tasted at the zoo's restaurant (see info here )! Other species are hunted or even clubbed to death for fur, like those cute baby seals in Canada.

The matter is: do we, human beings, have any RIGHT towards animals at all? To what extent? What about DUTIES?

Should we extend this discussion to our pets? Raise your hands if you've got pets! \o/ \o/ \o/ (2 kittens, BTW).

Looking forward to your contributions.
Sabrina Braga


  1. As a matter of fact, you have ONE cat. The other is MINE!!!

    “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”
    Mahatma Gandhi

  2. Hi, Sabrina

    ``God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved birds and invented cages´´.

    ``Ever occur to you why some of us, can be this much concerned with animals suffering? Because government is not.Why not? Animals don´t vote.´´
    Paul Harvey.

  3. Yeah, Leo. That's really food for thought...
    Thanks for contributing.
