29 March 2011


An acronym is an abbreviation consisting of letters which form a word or phrase.

Have you noticed that, since we started making use of the ways of communication available in the internet (remember ICQ?),  more and more acronyms have been incorporated to the English language? It seems to me it all started for fun. However, we've been currently using them as tools for saving time.

I remember the first one I learned was LOL (Laughing out loud). I kept wondering what that was when a friend came up and explained it to me. Then came ROTFL (Rolling on the floor laughing) and so on. The great news is: acronyms are popular not only when we're chatting with our acquaintances but also in the business world!

Look at the most used ones:

WWW- worldwide web.

BTW - By the way - when you remember something or simply wants to change the subject.
Eg.: BTW, have you picked up the children at school?

ASAP - As soon as possible - very much used in business, where time really is money and you need to be clear and to the point.
Eg.: Tell Mr. Darcy I need this document signed asap.

OMG - Oh My God!
Eg.: OMG! I've forgotten the chicken in the oven!

WTF - What the F*** - yeah, that's the word you're thinking of! Used when you don't understand or believe something.
Eg.: WTF! The teacher has sent us ten homework pages for tomorrow!

WTH - What the hell - a more polite way of saying WTF (so, watch your language and use this one instead of the one above, LOL!)

XXX - Kisses

XOXOXO - Kisses and hugs

STH - something

SB - somebody

What about you? Could you contribute with any other acronyms you may remember?

Hope to hear from you ASAP!!!




  1. pensei, pensei, puxei pela memória...mas, nada!
    só aprendi! Valeu!

  2. I taught this this morning! hahahaha


  3. I've forgotten the Kichen in the oven? I tought I would never hear this from you, hahahahaha

  4. That's ok, Radhe! What's important is that u've participated. And I feel honoured to know I've served as instrument for u to learn sth! : )

  5. Some very important acronyms, IMHO. Hope you like it, AIIC... IOW, LOL! This one is pure philosophy: KISS! TM, SHM!!! See ya, folks!

    GF Girl Friend
    BF Boy Friend
    BRB Be Right Back
    IMHO In My Humble Opinion
    AIIC As If I Care
    BS Bull'something'...
    COTFLGOHAHA Crawling on the Floor Laughing Guts Out and Having a Heart Attack
    IOW In other words
    KISS! Keep It Simple, Stupid!
    SHM! 'something' Happens, Mate!

  6. Good to know I've been of any use, Carol, LOL!
    And, yeah, the chicken thing, u know, I wondered whether I should put it or not... But drama has an important part on sb's learning process. That's why it's so clear!!!

  7. Yeah, Bruno... those are funny ones,I must admit...
    Hey, it's just crossed my mind:
    BFF - Best Friends Forever!

  8. Hi Sabrina!!!
    My contribution for anacronyms:
    NBA- National Basketball Association

    FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation

    MOL- More or Less

    HOMES- Huron,Ontario,Michigan,Erie,Superior
    (names of the Great Lakes)

  9. TY, Leo!
    (Well, accidentaly, I've just used another one: TY = Thank you).
    Loved your contribution. : )
